Finance for the Future 2021

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - 16:41

Seeking new approaches to help you adapt in a time of crisis?

Our 2021 Finance for the Future conference is back and here to equip you with the resources you need to steer a successful career.

You’ll attend keynote speeches and plenary sessions on a wide range of topics that are relevant to you - the finance leaders of tomorrow. Learn about some of the key issues that the public sector is facing, and how finance professionals have adapted.

Town Centre Regeneration – Elected Members' Webinar

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - 16:41

In September 2021, the Auditor General for Wales published his report on Town Centre Regeneration. Sitting alongside the report there is also a data tool and a self-evaluation tool.

The report makes recommendations for Welsh Government and local authorities and has created a lot of interest on the challenges facing communities across Wales and what needs to happen in the future.

Springing Forward: using lived experience to build a more resilient future

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - 16:41

This event seeks to complement our Springing Forward review by examining how lived experiences can be used to build a more resilient future.

This event will question – in the continuing aftermath of Covid-19, in the face of climate change and the opportunities offered by digital transformation – how we evolve organisations that are resilient and use their resources to the best effect and adapt to the unforeseen events to come.