Countdown to fiscal devolution ‘going well’ despite some challenges


On the 1 April 2018 Wales will be given its first devolved tax powers in over 800 years. We originally released a report in 2016 on the way in which the Welsh Government was preparing for this change and our latest report asks how far they have moved on and how the establishment of the Welsh Revenue Authority (WRA) has gone.

We concluded that the Welsh Government and WRA have made important progress in most areas but are now in a critical phase to deliver key projects in the few remaining months to April 2018.

Financial accounts in central and local government ‘prepared to a good standard’


His first report focuses on Central Government bodies in Wales. It concludes that the standard of central government accounts and supporting working papers are good and all bodies submitted their accounts on time. However, there remains scope to improve quality assurance arrangements in some instances. Having robust quality assurance processes in place plays an important part in determining the quality of accounts submitted to audit. The report highlights examples of what good quality assurance looks like.

Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Auditor General for Wales and Future Generations Commissioner


The MoU provides a basis for how the Auditor General for Wales and Future Generations Commissioner for Wales [opens in new window] will cooperate on areas of common interest, and specifically, on their related responsibilities under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

Finance for the Future conference outputs now online


The event brought together individuals working in publicly funded organisations across Wales who are studying towards a finance related qualification.

This year’s event built on last year's highly successful conference in exploring the changes and challenges, which are likely to have an impact on finance professionals over the course of their careers, and were delivered by leading finance professionals in the field.

How you manage risks around organisation change, service transformation and innovation


Organisational change, service transformation and innovation all involve a degree risk and failure if they are to achieve their objective of changing things for the better. In some cases the biggest risk faced is not taking a risk. However, public services cannot take reckless risks as we provide services to the most vulnerable in society, and the careless use of tax payer’s money is not acceptable in times of austerity.

Alison Gerrard


She has broad experience in policy development, strategic and operational planning, performance management and all aspects of financial and corporate governance. 

Throughout her career, Alison has always been a champion of fairness treating people equally without discrimination or favouritism as well as upholding honest and equitable standards of behaviour. In 2014, Alison was appointed as the Independent Member on the Wales Audit Office’s Audit & Risk Assurance Committee which has given her a good grounding in the work of the Wales Audit Office Board.