• Good governance and well-managed risk taking
    Read the
  • So, what do you really think about Orthopaedic services in Wales?
    Visit the
  • Slow progress made in addressing safety issues in mental health services for children and young people in Wales
    Children and young people accessing mental health services in Wales continue to be put at risk.
  • Sustained improvement needed to tackle pressures in unscheduled care services
    In recent years there has been a general deterioration in performance against key service targets, although the most recent data shows some encoura
  • Welsh NHS bodies break-even in 2012-13
    NHS bodies met their statutory financial targets in 2012-13 despite a tough financial settlement but some of the actions taken to achieve break-eve
  • Continuing NHS Healthcare Framework delivers improvements but more progress needed
    When someone is eligible for CHC the NHS funds the full package of health and social care, including any care home fees.
  • NHS consultant contract falls short of securing intended benefits
    In December 2003 an amended consultant contract was introduced in the NHS in Wales with a number of intended benefits for both consultants and the