Raising a concern

The Auditor General welcomes correspondence that can help him with his work. But please note that it is not his role to question the merits of policy decisions or focus on personal grievances, so we may not always be best placed to help you.

Our guidance for correspondents [opens in new window] provides useful information that may be helpful.

See also our policy for dealing with unacceptable behaviour by those in contact with us [opens in new window]


The Auditor General is a prescribed person under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998. He may receive disclosures from workers with regard to certain matters and such disclosures may provide the worker with protection in law. Please visit our Whistleblowing section for more information.

Members of the public

If you are a member of the public and wish to raise a specific concern about an organisation that we audit, please contact us by:

Telephone: 029 2032 0500

Email: info@audit.wales

Post: Head of Planning & Reporting
Audit Wales
1 Capital Quarter
Tyndall Street
CF10 4BZ

We welcome telephone calls in Welsh and English. You can also write to us in either Welsh or English and we will respond in the language you have used. Corresponding in Welsh will not lead to a delay. 

If you want access to your local council’s accounts, you may wish to read our leaflet on the right to inspect, question and object to your council’s accounts.