Cyber resilience in Wales



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The modern world is increasingly reliant upon digital technology. The amount of data stored by public bodies is growing, and increasingly, computerised systems are performing vital functions in public services.

However, one of the downsides to this increased digitisation is the growing cyber threat from unscrupulous organisations and individuals seeking to exploit the digital world for their own monetary or political gain.

Two new Executive Director roles


In April 2020, the Auditor General for Wales and the Wales Audit Office adopted a new identity as Audit Wales, and we’re now seeking to appoint two new roles: an Executive Director of Audit Services, and an Executive Director of Communications and Change.

Dancing to a new beat: the next phase of public services’ response to COVID-19


Blog summary:

As we move out of the lockdown, public services face a new and uncertain ‘new normal’. What are the lessons we can take into this new normal from the initial response to the virus? This article draws on a widely read blog on the ‘hammer and the dance’ published in March 2020.