Newport Council showing improvement in some key areas


Newport City Council has made improvements in some aspects of its arrangements but has not achieved the scale and pace of change required and longstanding weaknesses in its governance remain. This is the conclusion of a corporate assessment follow up report published by the Auditor General today.

Auditor General for Wales, Huw Vaughan Thomas said:

Superfast Cymru Making Reasonable Progress


The Auditor General has today reported that the Welsh Government’s Superfast Cymru contract, signed with BT in 2012 and supported by up to £205 million of public funding, is ‘making reasonable progress’ in rolling out access to next generation broadband services. The contract aims to provide access for around 700,000 premises across Wales where there is no planned commercial rollout. Work to promote exploitation of the benefits of this and other investment in next generation broadband infrastructure is now under way.

New Welsh domains launched for our website

Our new domains are now:
  • for the English site, and
  • for the Welsh site.
Moving to the new Welsh domains will improve our national identity online, increase public awareness and support the wider campaign to make the web more Welsh.
The new domains have been available since 1 March 2015 and over 10,000 domains have already been registered, from small businesses to large public bodies.
Email addresses will also be updated to match the new