Are Welsh public bodies getting value for money from procurement?


In 2015-16, public bodies in Wales spent around £6 billion through procurement on a range of goods, services and works but need to improve their performance to ensure value for money. In a changing landscape, public bodies face challenges in balancing potentially competing procurement priorities, responding to new policy, legislation and technology, and in the recruitment and retention of key personnel.

National Assembly for Wales seeks to appoint next Auditor General

The advertisement can be found on the Assembly’s website [opens in new window], with a closing date of noon on 8 November 2017.
The post of Auditor General for Wales is a Crown appointment, made on an 8 year fixed term basis on the nomination of the Assembly.
The current Auditor General has been in post since 2010 and is due to retire next year.

How councils in Wales are dealing with service change


Councils in Wales are having to make important decisions about the future shape and level of services they deliver. And, generally, they have clear visions, priorities and arrangements in place to do this. But our report has found that councils could improve arrangements to monitor the impact on local communities of making significant changes to services.