How urgent is your non-severe, serious illness emergency?


Confused? It's no wonder why. Out-of-hours services have a branding nightmare.

Other names for these services include:

  • GP out-of-hours services;
  • primary care out-of-hours services; and
  • urgent primary care services.

Whatever you call them, they are really important services. They provide urgent primary care during the time that GP surgeries are closed.


Out-of-hours services are under strain


Out of hours services provide urgent primary care when GP surgeries are closed. They form part of the wider urgent care system that includes A&E departments, NHS Direct and the emerging 111 service.

Our report shows that out-of-hours services are under significant strain. Although patients seem generally happy with the services they get, poor staff morale and difficulties in filling shifts are threatening the resilience of services in many parts of Wales, and a more sustainable approach is needed to address these challenges.