My surprising journey to becoming a trainee at the Wales Audit Office


As part of our graduate recruitment campaign, we asked some of our current trainees to blog about why they first applied and what life is like on the Wales Audit Office graduate programme.

Here, Anwen Worthy writes about her personal reflections. To find out more about the scheme, and how to apply, please visit our website [opens in new window].

£5.4 million of fraud and overpayments identified in Wales through the National Fraud Initiative

The latest National Fraud Initiative (NFI) exercise has been one of the most successful to date – uncovering £5.4 million of fraud and overpayments across public services in Wales, compared with £4.4 million the last time. The Auditor General’s report, reveals that more than £35 million of fraud and overpayments have been found in Wales since the scheme began in 1996.
The initiative, which is carried our every two years, matches data across organisations and systems to help public bodies identify potentially fraudulent or erroneous claims and transactions.