2018 in review


Above all, our aim is to ensure that the people of Wales know whether public money is being managed wisely and that public bodies in Wales understand how to improve outcomes. We’re also committed to identifying and publicising good practice.

We’ve picked 12 highlights that show how we’ve delivered on these aims.

Webinar: Let’s talk cyber security


Cyber-attacks are daily occurrences around the globe. Understandably, cyber security is a term which often makes people feel nervous. Cyber security is here to stay and we need to get comfortable with what this means for our organisations. Cyber security is not just a specialist role, we all play a part in ensuring our organisations are protected against attacks.

Supporting people in their communities: Reducing unnecessary hospital admissions


Here is the reality… the NHS deals with over 1 million patients every 36 hours.*

There were 16.252m total hospital admissions in 2015/16, 28% more than a decade earlier (12.679m).

The UK population is projected to increase from an estimated 64.6 million in mid-2014 to 69.0 million by 2024 and 72.7 million by 2034, these numbers are likely to increase year on year.*

This is a huge demand on our health services and is not sustainable.