Improving digital leadership and ownership

10 March 2017
not equals not equals
  • This seminar demonstrated the important role of digital in the delivery of effective public services that are fit for the 21st Century.

    This was the second of a series of events on digital public service delivery in partnership with Wales Council for Voluntary Action, Y Lab, Welsh Government and Good Practice Wales.
    Digital can often improve customer service so that services meet the expectations of the user. It can also improve the administrative element of a service, freeing up staff to focus on the needs of the service user in order to provide a more effective and efficient service.
    Authority and knowledge are often separated within public service organisations. This seminar empowered attendees to lead the change agenda within their organisations. It looked at what is already available digitally, shared good practice and looked at the wider application of digital principles. It is not about moving services to digital platforms, but instead to think about how services can be redesigned so that they are better integrated, delivered smarter and of higher quality. This requires a shift in mind-set and the up-skilling of public service staff in order to deliver services differently.
    Considering the provisions of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, this seminar provides an important opportunity. It will allow public services to come together to re-design services that place the service user and the wider population firmly at their centre. It is important that organisations start to think about how digital can contribute towards the seven wellbeing goals that are outlined in the act.

    Who the seminar is for

    For this seminar, we designed delegate personas with Y Lab, which are based on their work on the Digital Innovation Fund. Delegates were:
    • Staff, elected members and non-executive members who want their staff to buy into the organisation’s vision and direction
    • Staff who want their services to be more agile and responsive to user needs
    • Staff who work across public service boundaries
    • Staff who see digital as an enabler of public service reform
    • Staff who are looking for quicker and more efficient routes for many of the services that the council delivers
    • Staff who are looking at how digital reforms can lead to efficiencies and savings
    • Decision makers who want to connect with the people who know how to make digital transformation happen and back them with the right level of investment


    1. Influencing change [PDF 1.46MB Opens in new window] - Kelly Doonan, Devon County Council
    2. Kickstarting digital change [PDF 1.68MB Opens in new window] - Stephen Lisle and Dyfrig Williams, Wales Audit Office
    3. Moving from programme management to digital adaptation [Opens in new window] - Esko Reinikainen, The Satori Lab
    4. What does Senior Management Commitment to Digital Transformation look like… (and how do you nudge it in the right direction?) [PDF 2.07MB Opens in new window] - Chris Bolton, Wales Audit Office

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