Welsh public services could lose up to £1 billion a year to fraud


The picture of counter-fraud arrangements in the Welsh public sector varies across Wales, but there is scope for greater collaboration and cross-agency working to combat fraud.

The losses caused by fraud in the public sector are significant and, in a time of austerity, every pound lost to fraud is a pound that could be spent on public services. Estimates of these losses range from £100 million to £1 billion per year, which gives an indication of the potential risks of fraud facing the public sector in Wales.   

Coming soon…


Here’s Adrian Crompton, Auditor General for Wales signing off our annual report and accounts 2018-19, but as Accounting Officer rather than auditor of them.

This report will review the work we achieved over the last year, and will be made public on Friday 14 June 2019.

Watch this space…