Forward Work Programme
Our forward work programme includes value for money examinations, local government studies, and the preparation of summary reports of the findings from local audit work across multiple NHS, central government and/or local government bodies.
  • Financial efficiencies in the NHS

    NHS bodies’ approaches to identifying and achieving financial efficiencies
    Finance, Health and social care
  • The senior public service workforce

    The senior public service workforce, looking at executive leaders’ appraisal processes, learning and development, and well-being support.
  • Capital and infrastructure investments

    Welsh Government's approach to delivering its capital and infrastructure investment ambitions
    Asset management, Finance, Transport
  • A465 section 2

    The status of the A465 section 2 road improvement project.
  • Care and support

    The Welsh Government’s rebalancing care and support agenda and associated funding.
    Health and social care
  • Biodiversity

    Addressing biodiversity decline and performing the biodiversity and resilience of ecosystems duty.
    Climate change, environment and agriculture
  • Commissioning services

    Commissioning services in local government
    Good practice exchange, Health and social care
  • Velindre Cancer Centre

    Examining decision-making relating to the development of a new Velindre Cancer Centre
    Health and social care
  • NHS workforce planning

    NHS bodies’ approaches to workforce planning, building on our workforce data briefing.
    Health and social care
  • NHS waiting lists

    National messages following local work at health boards on tackling NHS waiting lists
    Health and social care
  • Financial sustainability in local government

    Local government finances and approaches to achieving financial sustainability
  • Performance information in local government

    Use of performance information in local government to understand user perspectives
    Governance and fraud
  • Governance of Fire and Rescue Authorities

    Summer 2024-25
    Our report into governance arrangements at Fire and Rescue Authorities in Wales. Summer 2024.
    Governance and fraud
  • Local government digital strategy

    Summer 2024-25
    Key findings from our review of local government digital strategies across Wales
    Digital, data and technology
  • Affordable Housing

    Summer 2024-25
    Arrangements to deliver the affordable housing target and realise wider benefits. Publication: Summer 2024
  • Homelessness

    Winter 2024-25
    How services are working together to progress the response to homelessness.
  • Cancer services

    Winter 2024-25
    NHS Wales’s strategic approach to improving timeliness of cancer diagnosis and treatment