Public services working in partnership for better health and wellbeing

12 August 2016
not equals not equals
  • This seminar was about how public services need to work better together to enable, support and improve the wellbeing of citizens in Wales. 

    This is underpinned by the principles of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and the Social Services and Wellbeing Act.

    Public services in Wales are continuing to face significant changes and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. The fact is we are all facing challenging times and no single organisation has the answers. However, using new legislation, working more collaboratively with other organisations, adapting different cultures and learning we can identify the means to utilise the resources we have in very different ways.

    Walking away from this seminar, delegates were equipped with the tools and knowledge to help overcome the barriers to successful collaboration. Delegates were given an opportunity to develop a virtual network of like-minded colleagues who will be able to offer support and guidance built from their experience of introducing service improvements through collaboration in its widest sense.

    Who the seminar was aimed at 

    This seminar was aimed all public and third sector organisations in Wales, in particular, senior and middle managers in the following areas:

    • local government - social services, education, housing 
    • health
    • police and crime commisioners and police forces
    • fire and rescue authorities
    • housing
    • social enterprises
    • national park authorities
    • central government bodies 


    1. Providing support in the community - Local Area Coordination [PDF 1.2MB opens in new window] - Jane Tonks, City and County of Swansea
    2. Dispersed Housing Scheme [PDF 1.5MB opens in new window] - Sarah Wills/Richard Bundy, Gofal, Helen Jones, Vale of Glamorgan Council, Dina Williams, Newydd Housing Association 
    3. Community Assistance Team [PDF 2.9MB opens in new window] - Terry Williams, Kayleigh Harper, Nigel Roberts, North Wales Fire and Rescue Service and Mark Timmins, Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust 
    4. Making Every Contact Count - Steve Davies, Conrad Hancock, Gary Slack, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service 
    5. Working with Communities [PDF 4.1MB opens in new window] - Pete Harrison, Artisans Collective CIC and Alexis Conn, Healthy Prestatyn 

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