Annual Plan 2024-25

We have published our Annual Plan for 2024-25 which outlines our priorities for the next 12 months.

Welcome to our Annual Plan 2024-25

Welsh public services face enormous financial, demand and workforce pressures. 

Though public bodies must make their own decisions about how they navigate those challenges, independent public audit provides early warning of problems arising, highlights opportunities for improving value for money, and supports good governance and financial management.

This annual plan describes how we intend to do that in the coming year and so provide the public, politicians, decision makers and influencers with the information and assurance they need about how well public money is being spent.

Adrian Crompton Auditor General for Wales
Dr Ian J Rees Board Chair

Our purpose


people that public money is being managed well


how that money is being spent


the public sector to improve

Our vision is to increase our impact by

Fully exploiting our unique perspective, expertise and depth of insight

Strengthening our position as an authoritative, trusted and independent voice

Increasing our visibility, influence and relevance

Being a model organisation for the public sector in Wales and beyond

Our areas of focus

A strategic and dynamic and high-quality audit programme

A targeted and impactful approach to communications and influencing

A culture and operating model that enables us to thrive

Our programmes of work

Audit delivery

We will deliver a comprehensive and impactful programme of audit work.

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Business improvement

We will take action across a suite of key business planning priorities.

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Audit delivery

We will deliver a comprehensive and impactful programme of audit work, in accordance with the Auditor General’s statutory powers and duties. 

We work in accordance with international standards on auditing and other recognised standards.



Our core work

Undertaking local audit work at over 800 public bodies

Delivering a programme of national studies

Certifying grant schemes worth approaching £1.5 billion

Supporting effective scrutiny including the work of the Senedd committees

Sharing good practice and audit learning to support public service delivery

Facilitating the detection of fraud and error through the National Fraud Initiative

Local audit work

National studies

We will carry out a programme of national studies and prepare additional outputs highlighting common themes from our local audit work.

We keep our forward programme under regular review, taking account of the evolving external environment, our own resourcing and the capacity of audited bodies to engage with us. We maintain sufficient flexibility so that we can respond effectively to emerging issues of public or parliamentary concern. Additional outputs may also emerge from ongoing research and development work.

The national studies programme is focused around four main themes

Tackling inequality

Responding to the climate and nature emergency

Service resilience and access

Well-managed public services 

More information on our Audit Delivery work

The full version of our Annual Plan includes more detail on delivery of our audit work including information on audit standards and an explanation of how we follow the public pound in Wales. Use the button below to download a PDF version.

Business priorities

To help us in achieving our longer-term vision, we will take action across a suite of key business planning priorities, aligned with our three areas of focus.

We have also identified a suite of key performance indicators to measure our progress.

A strategic, dynamic and high quality audit programme

A targeted and impactful approach to communications and influencing

A culture and operating model that enables us to thrive

View the full version of the Annual Plan

The full version of our Annual Plan includes more detail on delivery of our audit work and business priorities including information on our operating environment, key risk areas, finances and how we follow the public pound in Wales. Use the button below to download a PDF version.